Category: Patriotism
Tunisia on the Blogging A – Z Challenge
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23088 – 1113 Here’s the haps: So, to be honest, Tunisia doesn’t hold a lot of interest to me at all plus the U.S. State Department website says it’s not really a safe place to go. The big tourist resorts are probably okay and using tour guides are…
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on the Blogging A – Z Challenge
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23083 – 1108 Here’s the haps: On to the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I saw several advisements around the internet that crime is so bad here and there is a lot of violence but I think any large-ish American city has a lot of crime going…
Fate of the Mightiest Nation
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 223021 – 1072 Here’s the haps: Hudson and Landry were a comedy duo from the early seventies that started as radio disc jockeys. Some of their stuff is really hysterically funny. Some bits are not as funny or shocking as when they came out and a few of…
How To Make America Great Again
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22977 – 1054 Here’s the haps: I think in the coming year we will see some interesting things politically while at the same time it’s all going to be business as usual. Neither the Left nor the Right has a monopoly on stupidity and disdain for the common…