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Category: Patriotism

  • Talking Heads

    Talking Heads

    No, not the 80’s music group, I have no intention of burnin’ down the house, but rather those fabled, sometimes fabulous, frequently fractious folks who ask for “only” 3 hours of my day, talk show hosts.  I know the term “talking heads” began as a description of TV news anchors but…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 T

    Blogging A – Z Challenge T is for Time to Remember Time is important.  If the Lord wills and I live through a full 24 hour day I will have 1,440 minutes at my disposal.  86,400 seconds.  If I were to get a full 8 hours of sleep, which I…

  • Jim’s E-mail About His Patrol Experiences in Iraq

    From Jim’s E-Mail of 122107.  If you knew how well he interacts with kids (of all ages) you would doubly appreciate some of these pictures. Family and Friends, Here are some more pictures from Iraq. I took these pictures on one of the presence patrols that we conducted in a southern Baghdad neighborhood. Sniper, ambush, and IED/EFP threats have…

  • T Roosevelt Quote

    There is an e-mail circulating with a quote about immigration from Theodore Roosevelt. It is only partial and after some homework I found a couple of interesting quotes: “In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and…

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