Category: Other Repair Work

  • “There Has Been A Critical Error On This Website” – NaBloPoMo #8

    “There Has Been A Critical Error On This Website” – NaBloPoMo #8

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23287 – 1172 Here’s the haps: The other day I was extolling the virtues of being self-hosted and I still think it’s best for me, but sometimes you hit something that is a mind-bogglingly annoying challenge. Earlier today (I’m writing this on the 8th to post on the…

  • Nonce Nonsense – Timeout!

    Nonce Nonsense – Timeout!

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22773 – 987 Here’s the haps: I am getting some pictures ready from our campout but I need to find out a little unrelated info from you all, dear Readers, if you please. I was just informed by one of my commenters that when they tried to comment…

  • Blogging Is As Easy As Falling Off A Ladder

    Blogging Is As Easy As Falling Off A Ladder

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22587 – 900 Here’s the haps: First, F.Y.I. there are a couple of updates about my daughter-in-law’s status from my son over at Brother’s Campfire. There is still a long row to hoe but the last couple of posts were encouraging. Yesterday I mentioned having an idea while…

  • I Had A Screw Loose But It’s Gone Completely Now

    I Had A Screw Loose But It’s Gone Completely Now

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22306 – 790: Here’s the haps: Sometimes the littlest things can be the most annoying. The grain of sand in your shoe or your sock slides down into your shoe or you go to the store and get home only to realize that the one thing you needed…

  • Minor Plumbing Update and Please Don’t Feed The Animals

    Minor Plumbing Update and Please Don’t Feed The Animals

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22208 – 763: Well, the guy came and ran his scope down the pipe and there were the mud and sand. The pipe is collapsed. We’re built on a solid slab with no crawl space. What this means is that to access the pipe they will have…

  • Plumb Philosophical or The Philosophical Plumber

    Plumb Philosophical or The Philosophical Plumber

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22206 – 761: Here’s the haps: For the last couple of days my wife has been unable to do the laundry because when the tub would empty the drain would back up and overflow. In the past a thing of drain cleaner and some hot water fixed…

  • A Gate Of A Fence or Offense

    A Gate Of A Fence or Offense

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22143 – 715: A couple days ago I posted the meme about a fence and right after that, we had a real incident about a fence. Our neighborhood is at the top of a hill and ours was one of the first houses built back in 1959…

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