Category: My Life

  • 02 18 2005

    Savannah is 5 and a half pounds now and has been doing well at home. She has been doing well and her monitor has only gone off a couple of times and that was because she moved wrong. I will be posting pix in a couple of days of her…

  • Today’s the Day

    *Comes tripping lightly onto scene, endless smiles, grins, etc.* Today’s the day! *does a little jig.* Today is really the day that Savannah is supposed to come home from the hospital! Woo-hoo! It’s supposed to be late this afternoon. Isabel and Ben had training yesterday on using the heart monitor…

  • Eat, Drink and Be Merry

    First of all, Savannah is 5 lbs 1 oz! Hooah! Except that now she has a cold and is anemic. The cold will definitely keep her in the hospital until Friday and the anemia may provoke the need for a blood transfusion. I would say, “Aaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh” but Ben and Isabel…

  • And A Happy Birthday

    Here is how my birthday went yesterday. As you may have been able to tell from yesterday’s entry, I was feeling a little down in the mouth. By the end of the day I was feeling much better. I guess I will start with my Sunday School class. We were…

  • An Article I Liked And Happy Birthday To Me

    My 45th Birthday today. Thanks. It is depressing sometimes to think that Poe had done his copious body of work along with editing magazines and writing articles on poetry that are still read today and been dead 5 years by my age. Savannah is 4 lbs 11 oz. She may…

  • Baby Hogs And Other Critters

    4 lbs 9 oz. We went up and held her today. I should probably say I held her since I was hogging her for most of the time. I couldn’t help it. She’s so little and holdable and I was wearing my flannel shirt which she snuggled right into and…

  • Cool New Savannah News

    Just got a call from Isabel at the hospital. Savannah has been nippling all of her feedings and no longer has the tube down her throat. If she can keep on with that, she could be home as early as next week! Yes way! Then they will test her and…

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