Category: My Life

  • A New Sandwich

    *Runs in at full tilt, Guido Jr chasing him with a fine Italian Salame.  Panting.* Okay.  Okay.  Guido Jr. has convinced me to update.  I told him I didn’t want to.  I was feeling sorry for myself because I only had 8 people comment on my little de-lurking experiment.  I suppose Sam is right and that…

  • Please De-Lurk Yourself

    First, thanks FTS, for adding me to your blogroll.  In my opinion it is always an honor to be added to someone’s but to be added to a writer’s is the bigtime for me. I have added a blogroll.  There are 33 entries there so far and I know I missed…

  • Reiterator ’06

    Being added to someone’s blogroll or having your name linked on their site is, to me, a great honor and a humbling pirvilege. And it makes me feel guilty when I neglect to update. Since I have met so many new people and have just recently been added to an…

  • Happy Birthday E. A. Poe

    I’d been thinking about a lot of different things to write about and then I heard it was Edgar Alan Poe’s(1809 – 1849) 197th birthday today (1/19/06).  I am a big fan of Poe.  A lot of people only know what they were forced to read in High School English class.  They think that…

  • An Update

    Since Tabitha “fixed” the laptop by checking to see if the power cord was plugged in all the way, I guess I have no excuse not to update.  Well, I still have the usual one, procrastination.  That’s a topic that can wait, however. Congratulations to my daughter, Abigail, who got her report…

  • Be It Hereby Resolved

    Before I start this, I just want to say “thanks” to everyone that comes here.  You guys are really the best.  I appreciate EVERY comment and thank you for taking your time to share them.  If you are a blogger yourself you probably know how much it means have comments.  I don’t always have…

  • Heterophobes Make Me Crazy

    I had started this entry on 12/9 when our town was supposed to be visited by Fred Phelps and I listened to a radio station reporter who had interviewed him and his followers. I wonder how many will bother to read past the first paragraph though? Oh well. I have…

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