Category: My Life

  • Job Hunting Stinks

    A teenage boy and girl at my daughter’s school had an idea.  They decided that they wanted to set a new record.  They would be famous.  They would kill 33 or more people at a pep rally and beat the Virginia tech guy.  They had plans for pipe bombs, notes,…

  • Job Hunting And Other Stuff

    A break to say, “Grrr” The pompous and self-righteous, whether they be individuals or companies, any the tar out of me.  Later today I have an interview with a company that is very interested in my credentials Rcvd form e-mail from ****, main gist:  “We regret to inform you that…

  • Update

    Actually, since I have a blog, I suppose I should spend some time writing in it.  I am happy that people are finding my little spot here.  Some seem to have disappeared, but it’s early yet and I haven’t been making my rounds like I should.  One reason is this…

  • End Of The Year Review

    Hmmm…Where to start?  I guess I’ll just jump on in. The last two weeks have seen snowing and blizzard conditions here that are worthy to be compared to Wisconsin winter conditions, but without the good snow removal.  In my estimation, they (Colorado Springs) are prepared to deal with a storm…

  • Sick Kid

    Just a quick note to all of you.  I had a sick kid, we’re talking two seven-hour nights in the E.R. sick, and haven’t been near the computer in a couple of days.  She had neck pain that shot into her head and down her back and later on through her…

  • Herb’s Miscellany

    I’m back on-line now. I had a couple of projects that I wanted to complete and it took more of my morning time than I wanted to, but I am back now (why does grammar checker want to change that to “I am backing now.”?). Bwahahahaha! The election results were…

  • I Still Swear…So Help Me God

    *Standing at attention, right arm at ninety degree angle* “I, Herbert C. Thiel, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey…

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