Category: My Life

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 B

    Blogging A – Z Challenge B is for Beliefs Here is a brief statement about beliefs.  There are those who have preached for years and years that we must be tolerant of all people.  I can dig that, I mean, there are a lot of people that I don’t agree with,…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 A

    Blogging A – Z Challenge A is for Aggravation Actually I am already a day late getting started on this. I didn’t sign up with the IWSG (Insecure Writers Support Group) to do the official challenge, but I probably should have. Their theme this year, I think, is encouraging writers.…

  • Building Up Steam

    It has been a lot of work, re-posting all the old stuff, but it has been educational. I can see that I need to get back to the strong feelings I had about writing a few years back and not give in to setbacks. As I reload the Archives I…

  • Counting Change (Originally Titled “Changed”)

    This is originally from July of 2006, but still fits. I was going to re-write a couple of the more convoluted sentences, but instead left it as is. Originally titled “Changed” I thought I would use its working title: Counting Change – original post 7/1/06 I had started this entry…

  • A Walmart Bag Of Stuff

    Before I say anything else I just want to thank all of you, my friends, for your kind words, prayers, e-mails, comments and nice thoughts my way.  I appreciate it.  It is an interesting community that comes here and while some of you I know and have met, some of…

  • Everything Is Status Quo

    Everything is status quo.  I am grateful to everyone that has been visiting and hope that if you can’t afford to donate you would be so kind as to include a link on your own site.  Most of my readers are not (that I am aware of) independently wealthy,…

  • T Roosevelt Quote

    There is an e-mail circulating with a quote about immigration from Theodore Roosevelt. It is only partial and after some homework I found a couple of interesting quotes: “In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and…

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