Category: My Life

  • What Do You Represent?

    What Do You Represent?

    Life is full of symbols and representations. My work uniform represents something. People see it and form ideas, right or wrong, about me based on what they have seen or been exposed to previously. I have always been conscious of this whenever I have had a job that had a…

  • My Daughter The Teacher

    My Daughter The Teacher

    Sometimes the way things happen and the timing of events is an interesting thing to me. I was just reading the entry from my parents’ final visit,, and my dad was talking to the girls about Abigail’s report card, all A’s and one A-, compared to his, 75% in…

  • My Favorite Sunday School Student or The Tapestry of Life

    My Favorite Sunday School Student or The Tapestry of Life

    Special Thanks to Russ Foster for mentioning this title There are people who say that any use of the word proud is wrong. I guess because it is wrong to have a boastful, unsubstantial pride in your own abilities. “For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every…

  • New Streak

    New Streak

    Today marks the beginning of a new streak. I missed yesterday. To be fair to me, there was a lot going on. We had to take Grandma to the Emergency Room last night and even though it turned out to be okay, actually pretty good, that place always costs time,…

  • Rejecting the Rejection

    Rejecting the Rejection

    This is another one (not the cartoon) from GCFL but I really think I’m going to send it out somewhere. Letter of Rejection of Rejection Letter Dear [Interviewer’s Name]: Thank you for your letter of _. After careful consideration, I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept…

  • A Trap

    There is a man I have known all my life, that I thought I knew well. He is 55 years old and still holds a grudge for something minor that happened 40 years ago. He’s still bitter over it. He thinks this third party made it so he couldn’t get…

  • Something Legible

    A problem that I have is that when I write something I want it to be perfect. I want it to be interesting or witty or deeeeeep or inspiring in some way. I like to do nice things for you, my readers, and so I have several half-written drafts in…

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