Category: My Life

  • Swear an Oath Or Vow or Affirm Or Promise

    Swear an Oath Or Vow or Affirm Or Promise

    Mat 5:33 – 37 Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths:But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne: Nor by the…

  • Zero Year

    Zero Year

    This new year of 2020 is filled with numbers ending in zero for me and my family. Several significant personal events are coming up this year. Twenty years ago I survived the awful calamity of the infamous “Y2K Bug.” This year on February 18, Grandma Pike turns ninety years old.…

  • Resolve or Set Goals?

    Resolve or Set Goals?

    Okay, a lot of people have changed from saying they are making New Year’s resolutions to saying they are making goals for 2020. I was not getting the difference myself, really. I mean, either way, you are saying you are going to change your ways and create new habits or…

  • The Y2K Scare

    The Y2K Scare

    Twenty years ago, the scary, fearsome, and dreaded Y2K bug was going to destroy life on the planet as we know it. Chaos and rioting in the streets were going to wreak havoc. What that was all about was when computers started taking over the world, their programmers only used…

  • Flu!


    Our entire household has been smitten with the Influenza B virus. from the 3 month old to the 89 year old and everyone in between. I am feeling puny and not even punny. So, my posts will be puny as well. I’ll do my best, though.

  • It Was A Good Day

    It Was A Good Day

    It was a good day for me, yesterday. Full of friends and family And fun. The first thing in the morning…well, let me back up and tell you that I am a big Coca-Cola fan and a collector of Coca-Cola related paraphernalia…The first thing when I got up, my son-in-law…

  • Merry Xmas!

    Merry Xmas!

    Wait! Wait! Back! Put the torches down! Ouch! Watch out with those pitch forks! They’re pointy! Stop! Let me explain! Okay. So. (phew!) Here’s the deal. The X in Xmas has been there since the year 1021 AD. Actually, before that, but it was an abbreviation by some Aglo-Saxon scribe,…

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