Category: My Life

  • The Big Six Oh

    The Big Six Oh

    For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale that is told. The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is…

  • Art? I Don't Know Nuttin'

    Art? I Don't Know Nuttin'

    I think this is the last of the Mystery Blogger Award questions I will answer. It has been fun to use them as writing prompts and, as anyone who knows much about me at all knows, I love to create puns. I love to read puns. I even love it…

  • Northwich Warrior Society

    Northwich Warrior Society

    I feel extremely honored and privileged to have received the Northwich Warrior Society for facing fear and anxiety. I was nominated and awarded for my post on facing my fear and anxiety. Thank you, NWS and Boo that fear!

  • Short About Pets

    Short About Pets

    It always makes me sad. One of our eighteen year old cats, Fee-Foe, The Gentle Giant, the smallest of the four we had, needed to be put down. She was one of the first two cats that daughter got when she was twelve, a brother and sister duo. She developed…

  • The Olden Days

    The Olden Days

    There are a few blogs I try to follow on a regular basis. Their lives or stories or life stories are compelling and some people can make anything interesting. In an earlier post, called, interestingly enough, A Few Sites I Frequent, I showed you a few of the morning sites…

  • Another Test

    Another Test

    Sometimes these little fillers come in handy to help me keep my commitment provide something a little entertaining to read. There are hundreds of these quizzes on How Stuff Works – Play but I don’t do them all the time. Some of them I wouldn’t even get and a few…

  • Fear?


    For some time, ever since I read the first post about it, I have desired to earn the Northwich Warrior Society award. In my opinion this is a true blogging award because of what you do to earn the badge. I never really thought about facing fear before and to…

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