Category: My Life
Aww…Get Jabbed, Man!
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22935 – 1023 Here’s the haps: Interestingly to me, the term “jab” for getting a shot is pretty apropos, really. Mrs, Herb, TNT, and I went to get a covid booster, a flu shot, and the missus and I got our first Shingles vaccination. Shingles is a pretty…
George Washington And 110 Rules Of Civility – tl;dr?
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22931 – 1019 Here’s the haps: The initials “tl;dr” stand for “too long; didn’t read.” This post is long and may be one you have to come back to and finish in chunks in order to really ponder a few of them, which I hope you do. It’s…
Pens, Pencils, People – From Pretentious Pretenders To Poetry
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22895 – 1001 Greetings Graphophobes and Graphophiles, Herbophobes and Herbophiles, Here’s the haps: I used to stick an apology in this part of an entry for not updating, with promises to do better and be more consistent, and I do feel bad when I don’t post on a…
Banned Book Week – Books Can Be Beaten Down
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22874 – 998 Here’s the haps: I was over at Author Sarah Angleton’s blog today and was reminded that it’s Banned Book Week. If you’ve never visited Sarah you are missing out. She takes strange, sometimes esoteric incidents from history and weaves them into a post about modern…