Category: My Friends

  • Prayer Request Update

    Let’s don’t forget to pray for Carter and all the boys in the catbox. Got e-mail from him, “had to shepard a convoy through the other night.3 hour convoy took 11 hours.sent a terorist to meet allah(not me personally),and took some fire and IEDs.gotta go out again tonight” “…mebbe.Winston Churchill…

  • A Few Traditions

    I have noticed that many bloggers are, I don’t know, feelin’ the blues or just somewhat cynical about the Christmas Holiday season. (Do Jewish people have the same problem with Chanukah? I don’t know anything about that, except I wonder if the “gimme” spirit gets a hold there, too. Does…

  • Late Veteran’s Day Entry

    Greetings Fans, Friends, Fiends and Foes, I apologize for neglecting you guys, but you know, sometimes life just happens when you had planned to blog. I really do appreciate you all coming here to read what I have to say and leaving your comments. Your time is valuable and I…

  • Tipping

    Greetings, Blogging Cronies, Bloghoppers and Blogophiles! Okay, I’m back, I think. Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers. It really makes a difference, let me tell you. While I was off I did a lot of reading and one of the things I read about was tipping. No,…

  • Dead Drunk

    “Oh we’ll smash the saloon when we’re men, We’ll hit it again and again, We shall tear it down, Down unto the ground, Oh, we’ll smash the saloon when we’re men…” “We’ll Smash the Saloon”…From a Sunday School songbook ca. 1900 called “Songs for Little Singers.” “Wine is a mocker,…

  • Becoming Mayor Biff and the Living Savannah

    Before I get to Daveman’s tag or meme or whatever you call it, I will share with you the story of how I became known as Mayor Biff, first in the training class, then later it just sort of spread, thanks, at least in part, to Cindy saying, “Hiya Mayor…

  • Tabitha’s Birthday

    Saturday was Tabitha’s 16th birthday. To celebrate, we went with family (Ben, Isabel, Savannah, Elizabeth, Abigail, Grandma, Me, Margaret, and, oh yeah, Tabitha) and friends (Ashley and her sister, Racquel) to the Country Dinner Playhouse up in Denver to see “Oklahoma.” I had never been to this venue,…

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