Category: My Friends

  • Talking to the Neighbor

    I got to talking to the neighbor last night.  He’s a young guy, just fresh back from Iraq. His dogs and my dog play with each other and so we stood visiting.  He has the new CAB, Combat Action Badge.  Since only 11-series MOS can receive the CIB, Combat Infantry Badge, the army has designed this…

  • 2 IED Stories & Carter Gets Blown Up

    I tried to edit this story of how Carter got blown up as little as possible; it’s the actual e-mail conversation Carter and I had a couple of weeks ago.  There are 2 separate stories, and I guess I could have made it two entries but the one kind of leads…

  • (Final Edit) The Info Highway

    Sorry if you’ve gotten several e-mails regarding this one entry.  I think this is the final edit, complete update.  Really.  I think I’ve corrected everything.  I think. I apologize for not updating sooner.  It is one of my resolutions that I have been weak on this year.  I think, “Oh,…

  • I Ain’t Gone Yet

    So, I went ahead and broke the little plug-in deal for the inverter for the laptop.  Well, I didn’t break it, I just took it apart to see if the fuse had gone out and the spring sent this little metal piece flying through the air.  It might still be on the…

  • Okay, Tidbit Time

    Okay, first let me apologize for not writing to you guys all week, but sometimes life gets busy and thinks you should be busy along with it.  As I have said before, I do have a life outside of the blogosphere even though some of you don’t even believe in an “Out-of-Doors” experience.…

  • Reiterator ’06

    Being added to someone’s blogroll or having your name linked on their site is, to me, a great honor and a humbling pirvilege. And it makes me feel guilty when I neglect to update. Since I have met so many new people and have just recently been added to an…

  • An Update

    Since Tabitha “fixed” the laptop by checking to see if the power cord was plugged in all the way, I guess I have no excuse not to update.  Well, I still have the usual one, procrastination.  That’s a topic that can wait, however. Congratulations to my daughter, Abigail, who got her report…

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