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Category: My Family

  • Scotland on the Blogging A – Z Challenge

    Scotland on the Blogging A – Z Challenge

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23086 – 1111 Here’s the haps: As you may or may not remember my wife and I are Scottish landowners. But that’ll be just the icing on the cake of our trip. Well, as far as we know and as far as any human can plan anything. What…

  • Bernadine J. Pike 2/18/30 – 2/18/20

    Bernadine J. Pike 2/18/30 – 2/18/20

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 223023 – 1073 Here’s the haps: I have a couple of stories for my new Nice on the ‘Net series but I just wanted to pause and take a moment to reflect on my wife’s mother, Bernadine Pike, who passed away on her birthday in 2020. She was…

  • Bloguary Prompt:  Describe Your Perfect Birthday Cake

    Bloguary Prompt: Describe Your Perfect Birthday Cake

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22302 – 1066 Here’s the haps: As in my other posts based on these prompts, I am going with the very first thought that pops into my head. This is actually a description of the most beautiful birthday cake ever and why it was perfect and why, even…

  • Award Winning Wednesday – Margy At Amusives

    Award Winning Wednesday – Margy At Amusives

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22999 – 1063 Really, Herb? You’re going to combine yesterday’s Bloguary prompt, How Do You Show Love and an Award Winning Wednesday? How does that work? Here’s the haps: As many of you, especially 𝚕̶𝚘̶𝚗̶𝚐̶𝚜̶𝚞̶𝚏̶𝚏̶𝚎̶𝚛̶𝚒̶𝚗̶𝚐̶ longtime readers will recall, I became jaded by and dreadfully weary of so-called…

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