Category: My Family

  • More Grumblings

    3 lbs 7 oz! They did an official weight on Sunday and that was it! *Takes cowboy hat in hand and waves it in the air shouting “yee-haw!”* They also tried to bottle-feed her for the first time yesterday also. Isabel and Ben said she tried a couple of times,…

  • Three Pounds

    Woo-hoo! She is a 3 pounder, now! I am really excited about that. I have the Colorado Creeping Crud again, however and am not a happy camper. I hate being sick, especially when I have things to do. They are letting Savannah be next to her mom’s skin more now.…

  • Happy New Year

    Welcome to the New Year! Where are the jet packs and the flying cars and stuff? Ah well. I want to tell you all that there are still nice people in the world. I was looking up Savannah Melodies on the web and came across a very nice website that…

  • Real Bedside Conversation With Abigail

    The Good Book says, “Thou shalt not kill.” Also, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee…” ——- Real bedside conversation between me and Abigail, while looking at Savannah: Abigail: Dad, could this baby have been…

  • More Good News

    Well, we are up to 2 lbs 9 oz now! Over 2 ½ lbs! We have cold germs running through the house again, so we won’t be up there again for a little while. Aarrgghh. I had been worried about my friend Sam, whose blog I read every day,…

  • Christmas Celebrations

    We have always had traditional things we have done for various holidays, like for Thanksgiving we have a big turkey and all that goes with it and I read the poem “When Father Carves The Duck” which i found on the internet at We have it in a book…

  • Margaret Fell

    We had another snow, about 7 inches. This is looking promising for a white Christmas. Here in Colorado Springs we don’t often have one. It is VERY slippery, however. Margaret came out of church, slipped, and fell flat on her back, hitting her head hard. She had a giant goose…

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