Category: My Family

  • Okay, Tidbit Time

    Okay, first let me apologize for not writing to you guys all week, but sometimes life gets busy and thinks you should be busy along with it.  As I have said before, I do have a life outside of the blogosphere even though some of you don’t even believe in an “Out-of-Doors” experience.…

  • Reiterator ’06

    Being added to someone’s blogroll or having your name linked on their site is, to me, a great honor and a humbling pirvilege. And it makes me feel guilty when I neglect to update. Since I have met so many new people and have just recently been added to an…

  • An Update

    Since Tabitha “fixed” the laptop by checking to see if the power cord was plugged in all the way, I guess I have no excuse not to update.  Well, I still have the usual one, procrastination.  That’s a topic that can wait, however. Congratulations to my daughter, Abigail, who got her report…

  • Brief Update

    I haven’t been around the blogsphere visiting because I didn’t even get on the computer on Sunday…I should say I didn’t get on the Internet. Since I got the game I wanted, Civilization IV (link might be a long load for dial-ups, I am not sure) I have been playing…

  • Parlor Magic

    I enjoy sleight-of-hand/illusion/trickery or what is sometimes called “parlor magic.” I love to watch a GOOD illusionist, a magician’s magician, who can make me say, “Whoa! That’s cool. Where DID that rabbit come from.” Oh, I know there are now websites that can tell you how everything was done, but…

  • A Few Traditions

    I have noticed that many bloggers are, I don’t know, feelin’ the blues or just somewhat cynical about the Christmas Holiday season. (Do Jewish people have the same problem with Chanukah? I don’t know anything about that, except I wonder if the “gimme” spirit gets a hold there, too. Does…

  • It’s Margaret’s Birthday

    It’s Margaret’s Birthday. I’m glad she was born. Happy birthday babe.Big Smile

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