Category: My Family

  • (Final Edit) The Info Highway

    Sorry if you’ve gotten several e-mails regarding this one entry.  I think this is the final edit, complete update.  Really.  I think I’ve corrected everything.  I think. I apologize for not updating sooner.  It is one of my resolutions that I have been weak on this year.  I think, “Oh,…

  • Stupid Allergies

    Stupid allergies.  They make you look like you’re a big crybaby, your eyes watering and making you blow your nose and then your eyes watering some more. I’m really bummed.  We had to get rid of Snoopy, the last dog from Daisy’s litter, last night.  She was only 7 years old, but she…

  • The Details

    Here are the details.  The pix are here  .  The good ones, as usual, are the ones Isabel took.  As usual, I tried to make the files small so even if you have a dial-up you should be able to see them fairly quickly. Thursday, 3/30/06 was her due date, and due to possible side-issues…

  • Birth Announcement

    Lizzy had her baby at 4:12 this morning.  Douglas Bartholomew weighed 7lbs 7 oz and pics will bwe coming asap.  He has curly brown hair, pale white skin and looks like his dad.   He also looks how he did in Lizzy’s dream the other night. The Good Book says,…

  • Savannah Update

    Those of you who have just joined us, one of the main purposes of this blog became the following of  Savannah Melody Thiel’s   every movement, from her 25 – 27 wk, 1 lb 12 oz, beginning, to today, when (Insert Drumroll Here) Isabel just called and said that our own little Savannah…

  • No More Excuses

    Well, I had to spring for a new DC — AC power inverter for the laptop, which means, of course, that I have more time now to write and so no more excuses, which hopefully means I will be back to doing more updates. As of this writing, 3/27/06, 9:21…

  • I Ain’t Gone Yet

    So, I went ahead and broke the little plug-in deal for the inverter for the laptop.  Well, I didn’t break it, I just took it apart to see if the fuse had gone out and the spring sent this little metal piece flying through the air.  It might still be on the…

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