Category: My Family

  • Funeral Visit

    I would so much like to thank all of you for your prayers, kind thoughts and words of encouragement. The trip was long. I was thankful to have learned a lot from reading Pops’s accounts of his father’s last days because I was somewhat prepared for the emotional roller-coaster ride.…

  • Not Gonna Be Around For A Few Days

    My Mom passed away at about 2:30 this A.M. Got a call from mom’s pastor, he was staying with my dad so he wouldn’t be alone. If you hear from me or get any visits it will be sporadic at best as we try to get ready for the 1300…

  • Making Apothecary

    When I got that first job at the drugstore back in 1974 (see the entry “Changed”), I learned a lot. I don’t know how much I knew I was learning at the time, but I think back and a few things stand out. I learned: If you get out of…

  • Update 7-22-06

    Thanks to all of you for your kind words and encouraging comments and everyone’s support. I especially wish to thank Pops, for writing so eloquently and often poignantly about his father’s last days. It has been comforting in this time since mom has gotten sick. She is steadily declining to…

  • Understanding Egyptians

    Well, I hope I haven’t misled you with my title.  This is not about peace treaties or terrorism or anything of the sort.  No, this is how I have come to understand why Egyptians worshipped the cat. Yes, that’s right, I have been converted.  Well, I guess converted is the…

  • Day 7 060906

    Day 7 of my parents’ visit (I won’t be doing a day 8 because really it was just the saying of goodbyes and expressions of love and leaving them at the airport.) The Procedure But first I have to tell you, my dad had some things to say about the…

  • Day 6 060806

    Day 6 of my parents’ visit “Thursday. This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.” … Arthur Dent. The appointment time has come. First over to the hospital to get new x-rays taken, then to the doctor’s office. Mom says, “It sure would be nice if…

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