Category: My Family
NaBloPoMo – Day 8 – Introducing Independence Pass On The Continental Divide
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22557 – 870 Here’s the haps: In July of 2019 my son and his wife went hiking for their wedding anniversary in a treacherous area of the mountains called the Maroon Bells. The town of Aspen and the ski resort of the same name attracts a lot of…
The Bully Chicken
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22476 – 856: Here’s the haps: Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt often used the phrase, “Bully for you!” This meant you had done something commendable or extraordinary. “very good; excellent.” The way we more commonly use it (in American English) nowadays is defined like Cherie White over at…
Hijacked Herb‽ Well, -ish
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22463 – 853: Here’s the haps: Hi everyone: Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, Foundlings, Froot Loops, and Filial Frogs, I apologize that I have not been making the rounds of your blogs and have not been responding to comments in a timely manner. I will try to play catch-up…
Manure Can Be Digested‽‽‽ Who Knew‽‽‽
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22459 – 851: Here’s the haps: When I was growing up I had the opportunity to live on my uncle’s dairy farm in central Wisconsin one summer. I think I was around eleven or twelve. It was educational in a lot of ways and I think everyone would…