Category: Military

  • One U.S. Soldier

    One U.S. Soldier

    A large group of Taliban soldiers are moving down a road when they hear a voice call from behind a sand dune, “One U.S. soldier is better than ten Taliban.” The Taliban commander quickly sends 10 of his best soldiers over the dune whereupon a gun battle breaks out and…

  • Stand Up, Knuckleheads

    Stand Up, Knuckleheads

    We took the grandkids to the park today for our city’s annual balloon festival. We woke them up at 5:15 am and we left the house by 6:10 so we could find parking. Our family tradition for this occasion, ever since our own kids were little, is that we buy…

  • VOTE!


  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 T

    Blogging A – Z Challenge T is for Time to Remember Time is important.  If the Lord wills and I live through a full 24 hour day I will have 1,440 minutes at my disposal.  86,400 seconds.  If I were to get a full 8 hours of sleep, which I…

  • Jim’s E-mail About His Patrol Experiences in Iraq

    From Jim’s E-Mail of 122107.  If you knew how well he interacts with kids (of all ages) you would doubly appreciate some of these pictures. Family and Friends, Here are some more pictures from Iraq. I took these pictures on one of the presence patrols that we conducted in a southern Baghdad neighborhood. Sniper, ambush, and IED/EFP threats have…

  • I Still Swear…So Help Me God

    *Standing at attention, right arm at ninety degree angle* “I, Herbert C. Thiel, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey…

  • Talking to the Neighbor

    I got to talking to the neighbor last night.  He’s a young guy, just fresh back from Iraq. His dogs and my dog play with each other and so we stood visiting.  He has the new CAB, Combat Action Badge.  Since only 11-series MOS can receive the CIB, Combat Infantry Badge, the army has designed this…

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