Category: Military
Tunisia on the Blogging A – Z Challenge
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23088 – 1113 Here’s the haps: So, to be honest, Tunisia doesn’t hold a lot of interest to me at all plus the U.S. State Department website says it’s not really a safe place to go. The big tourist resorts are probably okay and using tour guides are…
Veterans Day Part 2 – Spouses
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22925 – 1012 Here’s the haps: I am signed up for an email service called “The Good Clean Funnies List” which normally, just as it says, sends out a daily joke that is clean and funny. Occasionally they do serious things, too. This was one of them. When…
Veterans Day
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22924 – 1011 Here’s the haps: When I realized that this would be the one-thousandth post I have done on the blog I had an idea of picking a few of my favorites and doing something with them. Kind of a funtastic free-for-all. Then I realized it would…