Category: Humor

  • The Response I Received To My Question About Spam

    The Response I Received To My Question About Spam

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22127-698: This is not really going to be a long post. The pain pills are taking effect and for potentially obscure reasons I have a craving for Spam and Eggs and Bacon and Spam. I have been told that SPAM, the food product, is an acronym for…

  • Retail Faux Pas 1976 – By Yours Truly

    Retail Faux Pas 1976 – By Yours Truly

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22116-687: I was over at A.J. McGregor’s blog Saturday night and read her post called, “Other Things # 7 – One of My Most Insensitive Moments“. I felt her pain and understood how it feels to say something and as soon as it escapes from between your…

  • Throw It Back Thursday – On Friday – A couple Of Jokes Taken From The Old Email Archives

    Throw It Back Thursday – On Friday – A couple Of Jokes Taken From The Old Email Archives

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22113-684: I found this in a folder marked “jokes” and thought I would share them with you. Some people might agree that they fit well with the “Throw It Back Thursday” idea. I received these two in an email from Herbdate 14815 aka Aug 28, 2000. LESSONS…

  • Herb’s Original Bucket List – Tag-Me Tuesday

    Herb’s Original Bucket List – Tag-Me Tuesday

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22110-681: On last Tag Me Tuesday – Lisa Mae’s Questions, one question was, “Do you have a bucket list? Which I answered (Quite cleverly, I thought), “Um, well, the only thing on my bucket list at the moment is, “Make a bucket list.” Because really, I just…

  • Unmarried Marriage Counselors – They’re Everywhere! – An Ode

    Unmarried Marriage Counselors – They’re Everywhere! – An Ode

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22107-678: On Monday the 10th, Bruce over at Weave-A-Web posted a story about a pair of unmarried marriage counselors. Marriage Enrichment Program. He is the blogger that most reminds me of O. Henry if O. Henry had more dark endings than light. Anyway, I read it and…

  • Throw It Back Thursday – On Friday – No Wildebeest Is Good Wildebeest

    Throw It Back Thursday – On Friday – No Wildebeest Is Good Wildebeest

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22106-677 (Dedicated, in part, to Serious Blogger): Many people who have been around this blog for a while or been around my Sunday School classes are familiar with Professor Fritz Von Googleheimer and his use of der science-teriffical messod of obserfation to explain Bible principles. In one…

  • Scamming A Scammer – Scamming Barrister Johnson Chambers – Pt 4

    Scamming A Scammer – Scamming Barrister Johnson Chambers – Pt 4

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22102-673: Originally written and/or posted previously elsewhere on Herbdate: 17,916 aka 02/24/2009: This is part 4 of a 3 part series.  If you are reading this, then I won again. I have to say I feel I have hit the big-time with Scambaiting now.  At least I…

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