Category: Home Computers

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 H

    Blogging A – Z Challenge H is for Heroes I have several writing heroes; maybe even more than several, but the ones I was thinking of as I got up in the wee sma’s this morning were, L’Amour, Heinlein, Poe, Bradbury and O. Henry.  This is a fairly diverse group…

  • Setting Up DSL

    Setting Up DSL Or Things that will make you say, “Aaaaaarrrrggghhh!” Salutations on the Ides of June! First of all, I have to say that my ISP, has got the greatest service I have ever experienced.  Like most call centers, I waited for what seemed like ever, on hold;…

  • I Ain’t Gone Yet

    So, I went ahead and broke the little plug-in deal for the inverter for the laptop.  Well, I didn’t break it, I just took it apart to see if the fuse had gone out and the spring sent this little metal piece flying through the air.  It might still be on the…

  • Toofies and District 2

    A quick update on baby Savannah. She’s got a tooth!!! One little one right in front on the bottom. Woohoo! She’s so big now! “The Human adventure is just beginning.” I have got to get back into the habit of not only carrying 3 X 5 cards in my pocket…

  • New Poll Question and Computer Repair

    There are days when I really hate computers, but then I realize that it’s just mine that I hate. I guess I like them all right as a group, it’s just this one certain individual that I don’t like. Well, I guess it’s more of a love/hate relationship, really. The…

  • 10062004 entry

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 16315-004: Just a note of explanation now that i have sent out a mail to you all about this blog. I have a wide variety of friends from a wider variety of ideologies. What this means to you, gentle reader (don’t ya love Miss Manners?), is that…

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