Category: Home Computers
Murphy's Laws of Computers
When using your computer, whatever happens, behave as though you meant it to happen. When you get to the point where you really understand your computer, it’s probably obsolete. The first place to look for information is in the section of the manual where you least expect to find it.…
The Y2K Scare
Twenty years ago, the scary, fearsome, and dreaded Y2K bug was going to destroy life on the planet as we know it. Chaos and rioting in the streets were going to wreak havoc. What that was all about was when computers started taking over the world, their programmers only used…
Defenestration Prevention
Well, practice would make defenestration less likely if I practiced what I preached about backing up your computer and saving often and in more than one place. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I blew up my computer again. I was trying to do something with Windows 10 and wiped out my…
Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 H
Blogging A – Z Challenge H is for Heroes I have several writing heroes; maybe even more than several, but the ones I was thinking of as I got up in the wee sma’s this morning were, L’Amour, Heinlein, Poe, Bradbury and O. Henry. This is a fairly diverse group…