Category: Holidays – holidaze
A Few Memes While I Put The Finishing Touches On Throw-It-Back-Thursday
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22956 – 1036 Here’s the haps: Just some things I threw together that I found humorous. The last one with the parenting advice seems to me to be the most helpful.
I’m Inspired Every Time
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22951 – 1035 Here’s the haps: As I’ve mentioned before, I have a fair number of readers who I know personally but it still gives me a kick whenever someone comments or comes up to me and talks about my blog. It boosts my confidence and encourages me…
Blecchh Friday
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22938 – 1027 Here’s the haps: First off, thank you all for your support and prayers. I should know by now that when I get a shot, whether it’s flu or covid or whatever I wind up getting the symptoms right away but I am doing better. Another…
Curmudgeonly Monday – Please, I Beg You, Just Wait Even If Retailers Can’t
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22920 – 1007 Here’s the haps: I have had this blog for 18 years although there was a time of major depression when I didn’t post on it at all until I reached a dark epiphany about myself which you can read about here if you’d like. Anyway,…