Category: Holidays – holidaze
A Few Traditions
I have noticed that many bloggers are, I don’t know, feelin’ the blues or just somewhat cynical about the Christmas Holiday season. (Do Jewish people have the same problem with Chanukah? I don’t know anything about that, except I wonder if the “gimme” spirit gets a hold there, too. Does…
Assorted Miscellany and Repetitious Redundancies
Assorted Stuff… Our Savannah Melody, AKA, “The Miracle Kid,” turned 1 year old on November 28th! She was 1 pound, 12 ounces, when she was born at somewhere between 25 and 27 weeks. Now she’s over 16 pounds! I apologize to my out-of-town visitors that I am not good with…
God Incognito
Not being a believer in the “Committee of Three” doctrine, AKA “The Trinity,” or good ol’ three-in-one espoused by so many, I feel now is a good time to accurately explain what has gone on in human time and what happened on Christmas day, whenever you personally feel that was.…
Christmas pt 1
Well, first of all, I have to say that I am a little disappointed in the response to the Red Kettle group. No donations and no one joining. I guess I’ll e-mail each one individually and remind you again about it. I would love to see some of the higher-traffic…