Category: Holidays – holidaze
Merry Xmas!
Wait! Wait! Back! Put the torches down! Ouch! Watch out with those pitch forks! They’re pointy! Stop! Let me explain! Okay. So. (phew!) Here’s the deal. The X in Xmas has been there since the year 1021 AD. Actually, before that, but it was an abbreviation by some Aglo-Saxon scribe,…
More Favorite Things
This piece was often sent around in e-mails with a note saying that Julie Andrews sang it on her 69th birthday at an AARP function. That is not true. Unfortunately, in 1997, she had a surgery to remove a non-cancerous polyp from her vocal chords which ruined her voice and…
Present, Gift Cards or Cash?
As many of you may know, I am a fan of Miss Manners’ column and I read her column almost every day. I usually like how she answers people, gently where it needs it but snarky where snark is called for. Really, some situations in life ought to be self-explanatory…
GiveThanksing Day Memories
Having had a big houseful of people here today made it hard to find time for writing but was also inspiring for finishing this entry. I read the Thanksgiving poem over at Life Lessons From Around the Dinner Table and had a memory from a long time ago. It’s not…