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Category: Holidays – holidaze

  • Treasure Hunting

    Treasure Hunting

    One of the things we enjoy doing on our adventures is treasure hunting at thrift stores, second only to dumpster diving and curb surfing. Well, to define dumpster diving a bit, if we see something that is potentially valuable in a dumpster we will pull it out and take a…

  • Fraying Society’s Edges

    Fraying Society’s Edges

    And now Rocky Raccoon, he fell back in his roomOnly to find Gideon’s bibleGideon checked out, and he left it no doubtTo help with good Rocky’s revival From: Rocky Raccoon by the Beatles …it included Gideon’s Bible, which I’ve seen in every hotel I’ve ever been in. You open the…

  • Back To The House

    Back To The House

    For our 40th anniversary, we were originally going to go somewhere out of town but not knowing what might be opened or not, we decided to avoid potential disappointment and play the tourists in Colorado Springs. We got a cheap room to avoid the distractions of being at the house…

  • Mischievous Shenanigans

    Mischievous Shenanigans

    I have a few incidents to chronicle from our little get-away of the last few days. Even though we never left Colorado Springs I don’t think it’s exactly a stay-cation because we didn’t stay at the house. We went and got a cheap room because if we would have stayed…

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