Category: Holidays – holidaze

  • Assorted Miscellany and Repetitious Redundancies

    Assorted Stuff… Our Savannah Melody, AKA, “The Miracle Kid,” turned 1 year old on November 28th! She was 1 pound, 12 ounces, when she was born at somewhere between 25 and 27 weeks. Now she’s over 16 pounds! I apologize to my out-of-town visitors that I am not good with…

  • God Incognito

    Not being a believer in the “Committee of Three” doctrine, AKA “The Trinity,” or good ol’ three-in-one espoused by so many, I feel now is a good time to accurately explain what has gone on in human time and what happened on Christmas day, whenever you personally feel that was.…

  • Christmas pt 1

    Well, first of all, I have to say that I am a little disappointed in the response to the Red Kettle group. No donations and no one joining. I guess I’ll e-mail each one individually and remind you again about it. I would love to see some of the higher-traffic…

  • Red Kettle Workers

    As I exited King Soopers the other day I overheard a disparaging complaint about the Salvation Army bell-ringer that was standing there. You know, folks, there is no need to be rude to people. If you don’t want to give anything, then just walk on by and keep your ignorant…

  • Givethanksing Day

    The problem with pet peeves is that they are so hard to take care of. You think they’re under control and not going to cause any more trouble; you’ve stroked them and talked soothingly to them and explained things to them, but they wind up being as ornery as Carter’s…

  • Rides

    Well, Father’s Day was nice. Everyone wishes you well and you are king for a day. The Wayward one called me and told me she still loves me, so that was nice. You know, you love your kids but it is ever an amazement to me how DIFFERENT they all…

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