Category: Handedness

  • A Sort Of New Year’s Resolution/Goal/Whatever I Can Call It That Will Appease Your Particular Sensibilities Thingy

    A Sort Of New Year’s Resolution/Goal/Whatever I Can Call It That Will Appease Your Particular Sensibilities Thingy

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22586 – 899 Here’s the haps: I carry these little left-handed notebooks made by a company called Field Notes with me everywhere I go. They are very rugged and long-lasting, made from quality materials. I used to keep a handful of 3 X 5 cards in my pocket…

  • International Left Handers Day

    International Left Handers Day

    Jdg 20:16  Among all this people there were seven hundred chosen men lefthanded; every one could sling stones at an hair breadth, and not miss. 10% of the world’s population is left-handed, and if you are blessed or lucky enough to be one of us, congratulations.  Here is a page…

  • Left-Handers Day Aug 13th

    Today is, apparently, left-handers day. Since I haven’t had time to do a real update, I thought I’d give you few links and change the poll to something about handedness. I am slowly working on a couple of updates for you as well. The antibiotics seem to have helped but…

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