Category: Food and Drink
The Much Promised, Highly Vaunted Villanelle – I Did It And It Was Okay – Also A Tiny Bit About An Old DOS Game I Enjoyed
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22148 – 720: I sat down and wrote this and I feel pretty good about it. I am highly honored to know that there are, in my very audience, at least two actively working school teachers, one of who is an English teacher. Along with them is…
The Response I Received To My Question About Spam
Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22127-698: This is not really going to be a long post. The pain pills are taking effect and for potentially obscure reasons I have a craving for Spam and Eggs and Bacon and Spam. I have been told that SPAM, the food product, is an acronym for…
They’re Almost Back!
One of my favorite candies, which I thought was gone forever when the company went bankrupt, has been purchased by the Spangler Candy Company, the folks that make Dum-Dums, Smarties, and Circus Peanuts, among many other wonderful things. What? Well, I like circus peanuts but the trick is to squeeze…
German Potato Salad
This is a different sort of venture for me but I am going to teach you how we make one of my favorite family recipes. My entry tomorrow, when I complete it, will be serious, so today I wanted to do something different. Ben does a variety of tutorials on…