Category: Food and Drink

  • Popular Stuff Here

    Popular Stuff Here

    Even though I have written about a wide variety of controversial and potentially controversial subjects, the posts that elicit more comments than any others are the ones about Louis L’Amour and the ones about coffee. This kind of cracks me up because I don’t really know a lot about coffee.…

  • A Couple of Brief Thoughts on Coffee

    A Couple of Brief Thoughts on Coffee

    Coffee Haiku #1 Aroma strikes noseOh, beautiful scent! Sniff, “Aaahh.”Work your magic now (The Haiku is mine, btw.)

  • Malted Milk

    Malted Milk

    I had started this rant as a post a while back, but then, after I read Jar of Poetry’s entry called Malt Shop Memories the other day, I got to thinking about a place we used to hang out when I was growing up. When we were teenagers there was…

  • Not B. O.

    Not B. O.

    What? Oh. That’s not what you think. B. O. means Born Organized and is something I have never been able to lay claim to. There is a peculiar dichotomy in my personality which I have given up trying to reconcile. I have given up on trying to excuse it or…

  • Two Saltine Recipes or Cheese Is Divisible By Four

    Two Saltine Recipes or Cheese Is Divisible By Four

    While I have written about this topic before I have never done it with the bologna connection. No, sorry, this is not about how to make your own saltines at home although I know many of you who are talented enough to do that. I watched this educational video over…

  • 2 Shots In The Arm Before Breakfast

    2 Shots In The Arm Before Breakfast

    Well, actually, one shot in the arm was breakfast. The new Son-In-Law, an active-duty U.S. Army Infantryman (11B), was up when I got up and made me some eggs-in-the-hole. I am usually the first one up but I think he was awake either before me or at the same time.…

  • It’s The Coffee Talkin’

    It’s The Coffee Talkin’

    There’s something about sitting by a campfire (when they are allowed and our state isn’t on fire) and talking late into the night with a hot cup of Jo. Um, talking with someone around the campfire while holding a cup of Jo. Although I have had some pretty good talks…

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