Category: English or Language
Profanity Is Not A Sign Of Intelligence
Curmudgeonly Monday I think I will make this a new, weekly feature where I just rant and rave and carry on about things that make me feel surly, crusty and ill-tempered. Or old, which makes me feel curmudgeonly. Something that my favorite teacher ever, my tenth grade English teacher, Mrs.…
Commas Save Lives
Of all the punctuation marks, the comma has the most rules and really, I’m not sure if I’m qualified to talk about them all. A lot of times I just go by instinct and whatever sounds right to my ear at the time. Generally speaking (And I cringe in fear…
Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 U
Blogging A – Z Challenge U is for Ubiquitous This is one of my favorite words, but alas, unlike that overused, misused and abused adjective, “awesome,” ubiquitous is not found commonly used by a lot of people. This is a shame. It is a good, fun word with a solid…
Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 Q
Blogging A – Z Challenge Q is for Quitting? Nope. Not gonna do it. Not gonna quit. Even though the month is over for the Blogging A – Z challenge, I am going to finish it out anyway. I can do it, even with screwball schedules and challenges that have…