Category: consistency
Here I Am – Back At It Again
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22153 – 724: Well, I missed a couple of days this week for which I do sincerely apologize but, along with the funky-wunky schedule and getting a lot more hours than I have in recent times past, my wife and I have been told by the doctors…
100 hours or 1,000 hours – A Concept That Has Been Bothering Me
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22131 – 702: Many of you may remember that this whole streak of making at least one post per day, even if it is just one sentence, started with a blog post I read by a marketing maven named Seth Godin. He had been blogging for 11…
Herb! You’ve Written 700 Posts! That’s Special‽
Herb’s Blog Herbdate 22129 – 700: Dear fans, friends, fiends, foes, foundlings, frogs, spambots, scambots, vitamin sellers, Multi-Level-Marketing Mavens with the mysterious uplines, and, of course, you, This post will be the 700th post I have made on this blog and the 398th post in the last 394 days. This…