Category: Computers

  • NaBloPoMo – National Blog Posting Month – Day 2 – The Site Problem

    NaBloPoMo – National Blog Posting Month – Day 2 – The Site Problem

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22551 – 864 Here’s the haps: Greetings, all. Day 2 of this idea didn’t go too well. I had trouble with the site whenever I went to get on. I apologize if the problems I encountered made the site unavailable. Now it’s too late and I have to…

  • Herb’s History With Computers – Putzing Can Be Fun

    Herb’s History With Computers – Putzing Can Be Fun

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22513 – 858 Here’s the haps: As I was working on the recovery of my wife’s data I learned quite a bit, by which I mean I learned just enough to be dangerous. There is always something new to learn with computers as well as many other things…

  • Where Ya At, Herb?

    Where Ya At, Herb?

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22487 – 857: Here’s the haps: Hi Folks, Sorry for the delay in posts. I have been on the computer but it’s been actual work. My wife has an external hard drive with almost 3tb (terabytes, not tablespoons) of data including many unique and original graphic collections. This…

  • Changed or Pardon Me, Do You Have Two Tens For A Five?

    Changed or Pardon Me, Do You Have Two Tens For A Five?

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22142 – 714: This has been posted by me a couple of different times but the last time was 11 years ago, I think. The events took place in the summer of ’06 I believe. I entered the work force in 1974 when I was 14, as…

  • Computers: A Love/Hate Relationship

    Computers: A Love/Hate Relationship

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22128-699: Well, there will not be much of a post tonight. My wife’s computer has stopped recognizing that it has a hard drive. This will take some time and attention. Sorry. Thanks for taking the time to drop by, I just don’t have anything to offer you…

  • Curmudgeonly Monday – WordPress Reader Comments

    Curmudgeonly Monday – WordPress Reader Comments

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22095-665: Quite some time ago it was brought to my attention that people said they liked my blog but were having difficulty commenting using the WordPress Reader. I loosened up a bunch of settings and thought I had fixed to problem. Nobody said any more about it.…

  • A Sanity Test

    A Sanity Test

    Running short on time tonight as I was updating the SSL documents for 3 of the websites I maintain and it was kind of time consuming. But, it’s free at which makes the price right. They now limit you to three freebies, though and I will have to search…

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