Category: Computers

  • You Are About To Open 16 Tabs or I Have Decided AI Is Too Stupid To Be Feared, Yet

    You Are About To Open 16 Tabs or I Have Decided AI Is Too Stupid To Be Feared, Yet

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22833 – 994 Here’s the haps: I got this new journal from Amazon the other day because I really liked the cover. It was one of those things that just jumped right off the page and said, “BUY ME!” I worked for a big-name insurance company in the…

  • Nonce Nonsense – Timeout!

    Nonce Nonsense – Timeout!

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22773 – 987 Here’s the haps: I am getting some pictures ready from our campout but I need to find out a little unrelated info from you all, dear Readers, if you please. I was just informed by one of my commenters that when they tried to comment…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: R is for The Robots Really Will Win

    Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: R is for The Robots Really Will Win

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22718 – 968 Here’s the haps: Many of you know that, growing up, I was a bookworm. This worried a lot of family members so much that I was sent to the grandparents in the country frequently and one whole summer I spent on my uncle’s dairy farm.…

  • Windows 11 Has Annoyed Me Just Now

    Windows 11 Has Annoyed Me Just Now

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22618 – 932 Here’s the haps: I’m enjoying the opportunity to use Mrs. Herb’s new computer but I’m not particularly enthralled with Windows 11. One thing I tried to do just now was to switch my default browser to Chrome. I don’t really dislike Edge but Chrome has…

  • Missing Windows 95 & 98 Welcome Screens and Themes

    Missing Windows 95 & 98 Welcome Screens and Themes

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22613 – 927 Here’s the haps: Mrs. Herb was blessed with a brand new computer today. I don’t mind setting it up and making sure everything’s updated and working properly and all her favorite programs are installed and that the printer is ready to go. She does a…

  • An Open Letter To Anyplace That Uses A Phone Tree – Curmudgeonly Monday On Tuesday

    An Open Letter To Anyplace That Uses A Phone Tree – Curmudgeonly Monday On Tuesday

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22599 – 912 Here’s the haps: People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. The chief enjoyment of riches consists in the parade of riches. Adam…

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