Category: Computers
I Ain’t Gone Yet
So, I went ahead and broke the little plug-in deal for the inverter for the laptop. Well, I didn’t break it, I just took it apart to see if the fuse had gone out and the spring sent this little metal piece flying through the air. It might still be on the…
Toofies and District 2
A quick update on baby Savannah. She’s got a tooth!!! One little one right in front on the bottom. Woohoo! She’s so big now! “The Human adventure is just beginning.” I have got to get back into the habit of not only carrying 3 X 5 cards in my pocket…
New Poll Question and Computer Repair
There are days when I really hate computers, but then I realize that it’s just mine that I hate. I guess I like them all right as a group, it’s just this one certain individual that I don’t like. Well, I guess it’s more of a love/hate relationship, really. The…
I Was Attacked By Malware
I had intended on writing an entry a couple of days ago, observing the fact that I only seem to write every 2 or 3 days. Well, in the meantime my daughter went searching for the lyrics to a song by a Christian singer named Staci Orrico (sp?) and the…