Category: Church Life

  • Commas Save Lives

    Commas Save Lives

    Of all the punctuation marks, the comma has the most rules and really, I’m not sure if I’m qualified to talk about them all. A lot of times I just go by instinct and whatever sounds right to my ear at the time. Generally speaking (And I cringe in fear…

  • Accountability


    A few years ago I started to try to challenge some of our young people to read the Bible through in a year with varying success. Some really took up the challenge and did it that first year. A couple of them had a false start that year but picked…

  • Rich Daddy

    Rich Daddy

    The rich young dad walked around the house with his tape measure, preparing for the work he wanted to get done. He only had a certain amount of time from the beginning to the end of the project and it had to be right. He didn’t make junk and he…

  • How To Act

    How To Act

    Still rebuilding but I also have to maintain my (25 days, so far) streak! Go me! The Good Book, the real one, the Bible, is full of all kinds of awesomeness but one of the things it really does well is to help a person live life to the fullest.…

  • KJV Or NIV

    KJV Or NIV

    I think the version of the Bible you read and memorize is important. For most of the important doctrines of the Bible, One God, Salvation, Separated Living, I think you can show the basics in any version but when you get down to it, the NIV really waters down who…

  • What Do You Represent?

    What Do You Represent?

    Life is full of symbols and representations. My work uniform represents something. People see it and form ideas, right or wrong, about me based on what they have seen or been exposed to previously. I have always been conscious of this whenever I have had a job that had a…

  • Re-Re-Posted


    I reposted this because I found that even though I had reposted it on 4/6/2015 I could not find the original anywhere. Not in any folder on any backup drive anywhere. That worried me because this was really special to me. Subscribers should receive the original and this post. I…

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