Category: Church Life

  • Zoomy Children’s Church

    Zoomy Children’s Church

    Before I get started I would like to say Happy Birthday to my son, Benjamin, the storyteller over at Brother’s Campfire. Go visit him and tell him Happy Birthday! And no, Zoomy Children’s church doesn’t mean Air Force children’s church, I was just referring to the meeting program called Zoom.…

  • Lydia’s Questions

    Lydia’s Questions

    The next day Lydia nominated me for the Real Neat Blog award. What was/is your favorite school subject?English How often do you do something really weird that you regret?The word “weird” defines me pretty well and I have learned not to regret too many things. I do regret if I…

  • He’s Alive!

    He’s Alive!

    “But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.” (Mar 16:7 KJV) I think a lot of us relate to Peter. I know I do. Even those of us who may not be…

  • Please Come

    Please Come

    I would just like to invite you all to join me at church tomorrow. Listen here. Service starts at 10am US Mountain Time. If you would like to see a handy tool to convert to your time you can go to this handy tool at EDIT/ADD: If it’s at…

  • Good Tradition

    And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy…

  • Drove-in 2

    Drove-in 2

    Honk If You Love Jesus – It’s not just a bumper sticker any more. Well, this was the second week we have had a church service like this. Everyone stays in their cars and the cars are parked with a minimum of one space between each car. the lot looked…

  • Drove-In


    Last night we had our first test run of having drive-in church. It worked fairly well, except that the PA system had some physical ailment. I believe it was a couple of bad cables, but it worked out okay and now we know that there are a couple of bad…

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