Category: Church Life

  • God Incognito

    Not being a believer in the “Committee of Three” doctrine, AKA “The Trinity,” or good ol’ three-in-one espoused by so many, I feel now is a good time to accurately explain what has gone on in human time and what happened on Christmas day, whenever you personally feel that was.…

  • Red Kettle Workers

    As I exited King Soopers the other day I overheard a disparaging complaint about the Salvation Army bell-ringer that was standing there. You know, folks, there is no need to be rude to people. If you don’t want to give anything, then just walk on by and keep your ignorant…

  • Late Veteran’s Day Entry

    Greetings Fans, Friends, Fiends and Foes, I apologize for neglecting you guys, but you know, sometimes life just happens when you had planned to blog. I really do appreciate you all coming here to read what I have to say and leaving your comments. Your time is valuable and I…

  • Dead Drunk

    “Oh we’ll smash the saloon when we’re men, We’ll hit it again and again, We shall tear it down, Down unto the ground, Oh, we’ll smash the saloon when we’re men…” “We’ll Smash the Saloon”…From a Sunday School songbook ca. 1900 called “Songs for Little Singers.” “Wine is a mocker,…

  • The Rat Trap

    I wasn’t thinking about what I was saying when I responded to Pops’ comment about making a scrapbook. Margaret pointed out that not everyone is going to get on here and search through my whole blog just to find news on Savannah. She thought it was a great idea. I…

  • Strange But True

    Every Year our church hosts a large youth conference called “Heritage.” One of its purposes is to help the young people learn about and recall the roots of Pentecostalism in the USA and understand the things that we believe and teach. Actually, many churches believed and taught the same or…

  • Perfume

    Unless you are a fan of the Doctor Demento Show you have probably never heard a song that says, “Rental cars are really great/driving over speed bumps at a hundred and eight…/you can crash it/you can smash it/’cause it’s only a rental car.” We had to rent a car since…

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