Category: Church Life

  • B.E. F.A.S.T. to Beware

    B.E. F.A.S.T. to Beware

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23162 – 1142 Here’s the haps: If you are blessed to be on hand when someone needs you to evaluate their symptoms you still have only a limited amount of time to act. Sometimes you are not fortunate enough to be around because life is going on but…

  • Maybe Not All The Way To Canaan But…

    Maybe Not All The Way To Canaan But…

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23145 – 1140 Here’s the haps: Our church is having its annual Father/Son – Men’s campout. This means that I will not be around to visit much. I go with my son, a couple of “adopted” sons, my two teenage grandsons, a couple of “adopted” grandsons, and of…

  • Not Gonna Be Around Today Or Tomorrow

    Not Gonna Be Around Today Or Tomorrow

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22932 – 1020 Here’s the haps: Greetings, Everyone, Sorry, I’m so late but we had our church’s annual harvest feast to celebrate Thanksgiving. It’s a giant potluck dinner with music and skits. I always enjoy them but it does take up time. I made German Potato Salad and…

  • Camping Was Fun And I Learned Something That Made Me Feel Good

    Camping Was Fun And I Learned Something That Made Me Feel Good

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22777 – 988 Here’s the haps: If you want to read a first-rate telling of the campout you can check out my son, Ben’s, blog post over at Brother’s Campfire, called, strangely enough, Brother’s Campfire… Camps. But I did have a good time and took a few pictures.…

  • NOW Where Are You Headed, Herb?

    NOW Where Are You Headed, Herb?

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22768 – 986 Here’s the haps: Hey there, high-minded heroes, Hale and Hearty Handypersons, Harkeners, Healthy Heather Hikers, Hapless Hacks, and Herbophiles, It is the time of year for our church’s annual Men’s Father/Son Campout. My son and two of my grandsons and I will be up in…

  • Where My Filters Come From & A Challenge – Post 950

    Where My Filters Come From & A Challenge – Post 950

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22686 – 950 Here’s the haps: Someone mentioned in a comment not too long ago that I must have very different filters from them. I would be surprised if I didn’t. Here’s where some of them come from. Thirty-four years ago we got rid of four televisions, one…

  • A New Year’s Reflection-ish Sort Of Thingy And Well-Wishes For The New Year

    A New Year’s Reflection-ish Sort Of Thingy And Well-Wishes For The New Year

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22609 – 923 Here’s the haps: This will be a fairly brief one, I think (right now, anyway) because our church is having a New Year’s Eve Bash. A few hours playing games and eating followed by a testimony service followed by noisemakers ringing in the new year.…

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