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Category: Cars

  • Broken Paradigm

    Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes and Family, Sometimes things are not always what you think they will be.  I think we all have our little prejudices and preconceived ideas about things.  Here’s one example. I was on the way to pick up Margaret from work and I pulled up at…

  • Hang Up And Drive

    Okay, so I learned it was rude to type in ALL CAPS back when we learned how to type on a typewriter.  It is considered the same as shouting.  Using red ink in letter writing was at one time the most insulting breach of etiquette.  I have known this and…

  • Assorted Miscellany and Repetitious Redundancies

    Assorted Stuff… Our Savannah Melody, AKA, “The Miracle Kid,” turned 1 year old on November 28th! She was 1 pound, 12 ounces, when she was born at somewhere between 25 and 27 weeks. Now she’s over 16 pounds! I apologize to my out-of-town visitors that I am not good with…

  • E-Mail Etiquette

    Here are a couple of things I’ve been wondering about lately. Is there an appropriate number of responses to an e-mail? When you e-mail someone and begin a discussion, he or she will write back, you answer with a question, they respond, you ask something else, in what you suppose…

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