Category: Cars

  • Assorted Miscellany and Repetitious Redundancies

    Assorted Stuff… Our Savannah Melody, AKA, “The Miracle Kid,” turned 1 year old on November 28th! She was 1 pound, 12 ounces, when she was born at somewhere between 25 and 27 weeks. Now she’s over 16 pounds! I apologize to my out-of-town visitors that I am not good with…

  • E-Mail Etiquette

    Here are a couple of things I’ve been wondering about lately. Is there an appropriate number of responses to an e-mail? When you e-mail someone and begin a discussion, he or she will write back, you answer with a question, they respond, you ask something else, in what you suppose…

  • Appendix

    Sorry I haven’t updated in a few days, but Tabitha had to have her appendix out. Normally this is a day in and a day out, but she had some extra pains that they wanted to watch, but now that everything is normal, I have rushed right to the keyboard…

  • Monday the Thirteenth

    (Okay, so I didn’t get this posted until Tuesday, yesterday WAS Monday the 13th, after all.) Greetings, fans, friends, fiends and foes. I haven’t got much to say, but as you know, that has never stopped me from saying it before. (Soosan, There was an article in the new Writer’s…

  • Car Trouble Redux and A Soldier

    The van is officially going to cost more to fix than what it is worth. With the tranny, master brake cylinder, door that won’t shut and coolant leak it will cost over $4000 to fix. It was given to us for a thousand and the blue book value is not…

  • Perfume

    Unless you are a fan of the Doctor Demento Show you have probably never heard a song that says, “Rental cars are really great/driving over speed bumps at a hundred and eight…/you can crash it/you can smash it/’cause it’s only a rental car.” We had to rent a car since…

  • Writer’s Tranny

    Arrrggggghhhhh! Thanks for all the well-wishes for me to have something to write about. There I go, first thing I am ending a sentence with a preposition which everyone knows you are not supposed to end a sentence with. I cannot tell you all about everything that has gone on…

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