Category: Throw It Back Thursday
The Reading Of The Will – NaBloPoMo #15
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23294 – 1179 Here’s The Haps on Throw It Back Thursday: Several people were gathered for the reading of the Will of a very wealthy man. A very distinguished gentleman sitting at the head of the table, cleared his throat and read, “To my loving wife, Rose, who…
A Slightly Curated Assemblage Of Offerings For Throw It Back Thursday On Saturday
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23275 – 1164 Here’s the haps: Not much time to work on the blog but I have found these items. A few from the archives and a few from traveling in cyberspace. Oh, and this, inspired by a large number of my family members who say I do…
A Couple Of Items Unworthy Of Throw It Back Thursday But Here They Are Anyway
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23238 – 1160 Here’s the haps (Late Edition): This is not my normal Throw-It-back-Thursday but while I was mowing the grass I had time to think about a few things I’ve heard or read recently. A few things to ponder, perhaps, along with a couple from the turn…
Throw It Back Thursday – Better Late Than Never Edition
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23231 – 1157 Here’s the haps: To my dear and beloved fans, friends, fiends, foes, foundlings and frog-scrapers, greetings, I have been busier than the proverbial one-armed paper hanger in a windstorm. As I sat down to write that sentence I began to do something I know I…
Baker’s Dozen Of Memes For Your Perusal And Pleasure
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23224 – 1156 Here’s the haps: Another collection of personal favorites: