Category: Blogging

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 L

    Blogging A – Z Challenge L is for Little Time One of the issues I run into when trying to do this is scheduling.  I mentioned this before but it really is a major problem and a hindrance.  Last night I worked until 8:30pm, had to pick up a couple…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 K

    Blogging A – Z Challenge K is for Kudos Kudos is what all of you fine readers out there deserve.  When I went to look it up at a couple of dictionary spots I found that it means, “honor; glory; acclaim: praise or respect that you get because of something…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 J

    Blogging A – Z Challenge J is for Just zis guy When I listed some literary heroes in the last post I left off a couple.  It’s hard to list them all because I love to read and I like to read a lot of different authors.  In my list…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 H

    Blogging A – Z Challenge H is for Heroes I have several writing heroes; maybe even more than several, but the ones I was thinking of as I got up in the wee sma’s this morning were, L’Amour, Heinlein, Poe, Bradbury and O. Henry.  This is a fairly diverse group…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 I

    Blogging A – Z Challenge I is for I Gotta Work I worked until after nine last night and my ride didn’t get there until ten.  Gotta be back to work at seven this morning.  I apologize, but I have a hard time doing this today. I WILL be back,…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 H

    Blogging A – Z Challenge H is for Hold on I’m working on a post for letter H but I don’t have time at the moment to finish it, so I owe you guys an H.  It’s in the works, though.

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 G

    Blogging A – Z Challenge G is for Git grit for your characters No, my dear readers from the Southland, not grits, grit.  Grit, as in “Indomitable spirit, firmness of character, or (my personal favorite) pluck.”  Courage in the face of adversity.  Resolution. Of course many think of the word…

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