Category: Blogging

  • New Content From Herb

    New Content From Herb

    Either Yay! or, ‘Bout Time (hopefully not, “boo.”) Gentle Readers, I redid the entire website from the ground up.  I added a few easier navigation areas and I added a few froo–froos as well.  I based some of my ideas on things I have wanted to see and other things…

  • Resolved(?)

    Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, Family and Foundlings, Another year of the 21st century is gone and still no atomic powered flying cars, personal jetpacks or colonies and mining operations on the several planets of the Solar System although we do have instant visual talk on our personal communicators and…

  • Fixing Consistency With Butter And Salt

    Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes and Family, Consistency.  That is the key word that I need to focus on.  I need to produce content here on my blog and while I (think I) have the ingredients all together in one place, just like any other recipe they must be mixed…

  • Update on New Job and Blogging

    Greetings, Salutations and Hi There to all of my fans, friends, fiends, foes and relatives, As many of you are aware I have been working at a new job since mid-June. The decision to leave Walmart was probably one of the better ones I have made in my life and…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 U

    Blogging A – Z Challenge U is for Ubiquitous This is one of my favorite words, but alas, unlike that overused, misused and abused adjective, “awesome,” ubiquitous is not found commonly used by a lot of people.  This is a shame.  It is a good, fun word with a solid…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2015 T

    Blogging A – Z Challenge T is for Time to Remember Time is important.  If the Lord wills and I live through a full 24 hour day I will have 1,440 minutes at my disposal.  86,400 seconds.  If I were to get a full 8 hours of sleep, which I…

  • Cleaning Up Subscriber List

    I am going through the list of 828 e-mails that have signed up so far. If you legitimately signed up and I didn’t recognize your e-mail and accidentally deleted it, please forgive me and sign up again. Thanks.

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