Category: Blogging

  • Throw It Back Thursday:  John LaFoote, Jean LaFitte, and a Thousand Words

    Throw It Back Thursday: John LaFoote, Jean LaFitte, and a Thousand Words

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22916 – 1003 Here’s the haps: Many of us, especially in the United States, who are of a certain age, know, of course, about the famous pirate, John LaFoote, ze barefooted pirate who constantly tried to steal the treasured secret of Cap’n Crunch cereal which was (and is)…

  • You Are About To Open 16 Tabs or I Have Decided AI Is Too Stupid To Be Feared, Yet

    You Are About To Open 16 Tabs or I Have Decided AI Is Too Stupid To Be Feared, Yet

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22833 – 994 Here’s the haps: I got this new journal from Amazon the other day because I really liked the cover. It was one of those things that just jumped right off the page and said, “BUY ME!” I worked for a big-name insurance company in the…

  • Some Things, Like Toys, Are Built Better Than Others

    Some Things, Like Toys, Are Built Better Than Others

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22813 – 991 Here’s the haps: So, the two-year-old grandson was here today. They come frequently and I am blessed in that I get the chance to see my grandkids on a fairly regular basis even though I don’t always chronicle every visit. Grandchildren are God’s reward to…

  • Nonce Nonsense – Timeout!

    Nonce Nonsense – Timeout!

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22773 – 987 Here’s the haps: I am getting some pictures ready from our campout but I need to find out a little unrelated info from you all, dear Readers, if you please. I was just informed by one of my commenters that when they tried to comment…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: Zee or Zed, Let’s Put This Thing To Bed

    Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: Zee or Zed, Let’s Put This Thing To Bed

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22727 – 976 Here’s the haps: “It’s a good thing we won that Revolutionary War or we’d all be speaking English today.” Americans are almost the only ones to end the alphabet by pronouncing the last letter, “zee.” The rest of the English-speaking world says, “zed.” Apparently, the…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: Y is for You, Youse, You Guys, Youse Guys, You All, Y’all, and All Y’all, et al.

    Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: Y is for You, Youse, You Guys, Youse Guys, You All, Y’all, and All Y’all, et al.

    , Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22726 – 975 Here’s the haps: I know I probably missed a few but these few colloquialisms in the title are meant to indicate that I have a widely varied audience, not just in the U.S. but in other countries, as well. You. You are important to…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: X is for Ten

    Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: X is for Ten

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22725 – 974 Here’s the haps: I had a feeling the letter X was going to be difficult and it started out that way. Okay, so I looked up xylophone, which I expected would be pretty common because when we are teaching children the alphabet that’s what represents…

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