Category: NaBloPoMo – 2022
George Washington And 110 Rules Of Civility – tl;dr?
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22931 – 1019 Here’s the haps: The initials “tl;dr” stand for “too long; didn’t read.” This post is long and may be one you have to come back to and finish in chunks in order to really ponder a few of them, which I hope you do. It’s…
Throw It Back Thursday – Useful Conversion Chart
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22930 – 1018 Here’s the haps: Sometimes you have to make conversions in a hurry and a little chart showing, for example, how many ounces in a cup to how many cups in a pint and that sort of thing can be very useful, like these: Ratio of…
Award Winning Wednesday – BOB at Bluebird Of Bitterness Blog
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22929 – 1017 Here’s the haps: Since I am back to blogging daily, at least for the time being, and have a regular posting schedule I want to go back to trying to do one of these posts a week. I have done around twenty-ish awards so far.…
Someone Should Invent A Pocket Telephone
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22928 – 1016 Here’s the haps: I had seen the cartoon below written about in a couple of different places but really didn’t think very much of it. I had in my mind that it was a hoax of some sort. Very clever but the sources given were…