Category: Curmudgeonly Monday
Curmudgeonly Monday – WordPress Reader Comments
Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22095-665: Quite some time ago it was brought to my attention that people said they liked my blog but were having difficulty commenting using the WordPress Reader. I loosened up a bunch of settings and thought I had fixed to problem. Nobody said any more about it.…
Mudgeonly Monday – Chili How Dad Likes It
Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22088-658: I have had a lot of posts lately that I really liked. I felt good about them. Then comes a time like now and I just am not feeling it. No offense to you guys, I have got one of the brightest and most intelligent audiences…
Curmudgeonly Monday
It is one thing to see and visit with and make goo-goo eyes at your 9-month-old grandson when his mom is healthy and you can hand him back at those times when, as the patriarch of the great Thiel tribe, you suddenly find something else that needs doing and can…
Mudgeonly Monday – Herb In Fifty Years
I’m not sure If I used this one before or not. When you get to be my age you can always cop out with the excuse that I just didn’t remember. It’s getting late and I have work tomorrow, which has not been the norm, as I have only been…