Category: Curmudgeonly Monday

  • Curmudgeonly Monday – Please, I Beg You, Just Wait Even If Retailers Can’t

    Curmudgeonly Monday – Please, I Beg You, Just Wait Even If Retailers Can’t

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22920 – 1007 Here’s the haps: I have had this blog for 18 years although there was a time of major depression when I didn’t post on it at all until I reached a dark epiphany about myself which you can read about here if you’d like. Anyway,…

  • You Are About To Open 16 Tabs or I Have Decided AI Is Too Stupid To Be Feared, Yet

    You Are About To Open 16 Tabs or I Have Decided AI Is Too Stupid To Be Feared, Yet

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22833 – 994 Here’s the haps: I got this new journal from Amazon the other day because I really liked the cover. It was one of those things that just jumped right off the page and said, “BUY ME!” I worked for a big-name insurance company in the…

  • An Open Letter To Anyplace That Uses A Phone Tree – Curmudgeonly Monday On Tuesday

    An Open Letter To Anyplace That Uses A Phone Tree – Curmudgeonly Monday On Tuesday

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22599 – 912 Here’s the haps: People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. The chief enjoyment of riches consists in the parade of riches. Adam…

  • Mudgeonly Monday:  Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes – But Not Changes In Latitude

    Mudgeonly Monday: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes – But Not Changes In Latitude

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22543 – 862 Here’s the haps: Greetings, Salutations, Hello There, Hearty Handshakes and/or Fistbumps(according to your personal preferences), and Hi Guys! I apologize for not getting around to your blogs in a timely manner but a lot went on this weekend. Mrs. Herb was in the E.R. with…

  • Another Mudgeoly Monday – Nice Haps To Herb

    Another Mudgeoly Monday – Nice Haps To Herb

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22424 – 846: Here’s the haps: This spot used to be called Curmudgeonly Monday but I kept on finding things to be happy about and thankful for. The inappropriately named Dumbest Blogger over at the erroneously named Dumbest Blog Ever suggested that when I feel like this I…

  • Mudgeonly Monday – After Action Review – Happy Camping

    Mudgeonly Monday – After Action Review – Happy Camping

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22417 – 845 Here’s the haps: Hi Gang! Yes, it used to be Curmudgeonly Monday but I really don’t have anything to complain about. I had a great time up in the mountains. (Hopefully, this link works and you can see the site on Google Maps if you…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021:  V Is For The Villanelle Of The Villainous Villain L

    Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021: V Is For The Villanelle Of The Villainous Villain L

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22361 – 825: Here’s the haps: My dear fans, friends, fiends, foes, foundlings, frolicking freaks, and other nice assorted people, I went looking back to find the post where I tried my hand at writing a poem in the villanelle form. Some of you have been with me…

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