The content of this blog, my website and any other of my works in any other form are my original creation. They are not free to use in any way or form without my express, written license and consent except as provided for by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is not limited to, use for training of generative artificial intelligence, large language models, and any other technologies past, present, or future which use any part of the work of the author.

Category: Curmudgeonly Monday

  • Curmudgeonly Monday – Please, I Beg You, Just Wait Even If Retailers Can’t

    Curmudgeonly Monday – Please, I Beg You, Just Wait Even If Retailers Can’t

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22920 – 1007 Here’s the haps: I have had this blog for 18 years although there was a time of major depression when I didn’t post on it at all until I reached a dark epiphany about myself which you can read about here if you’d like. Anyway,…

  • You Are About To Open 16 Tabs or I Have Decided AI Is Too Stupid To Be Feared, Yet

    You Are About To Open 16 Tabs or I Have Decided AI Is Too Stupid To Be Feared, Yet

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22833 – 994 Here’s the haps: I got this new journal from Amazon the other day because I really liked the cover. It was one of those things that just jumped right off the page and said, “BUY ME!” I worked for a big-name insurance company in the…

  • An Open Letter To Anyplace That Uses A Phone Tree – Curmudgeonly Monday On Tuesday

    An Open Letter To Anyplace That Uses A Phone Tree – Curmudgeonly Monday On Tuesday

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22599 – 912 Here’s the haps: People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. The chief enjoyment of riches consists in the parade of riches. Adam…

  • Mudgeonly Monday:  Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes – But Not Changes In Latitude

    Mudgeonly Monday: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes – But Not Changes In Latitude

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22543 – 862 Here’s the haps: Greetings, Salutations, Hello There, Hearty Handshakes and/or Fistbumps(according to your personal preferences), and Hi Guys! I apologize for not getting around to your blogs in a timely manner but a lot went on this weekend. Mrs. Herb was in the E.R. with…

  • Another Mudgeoly Monday – Nice Haps To Herb

    Another Mudgeoly Monday – Nice Haps To Herb

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22424 – 846: Here’s the haps: This spot used to be called Curmudgeonly Monday but I kept on finding things to be happy about and thankful for. The inappropriately named Dumbest Blogger over at the erroneously named Dumbest Blog Ever suggested that when I feel like this I…

  • Mudgeonly Monday – After Action Review – Happy Camping

    Mudgeonly Monday – After Action Review – Happy Camping

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22417 – 845 Here’s the haps: Hi Gang! Yes, it used to be Curmudgeonly Monday but I really don’t have anything to complain about. I had a great time up in the mountains. (Hopefully, this link works and you can see the site on Google Maps if you…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021:  V Is For The Villanelle Of The Villainous Villain L

    Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021: V Is For The Villanelle Of The Villainous Villain L

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22361 – 825: Here’s the haps: My dear fans, friends, fiends, foes, foundlings, frolicking freaks, and other nice assorted people, I went looking back to find the post where I tried my hand at writing a poem in the villanelle form. Some of you have been with me…

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