Category: Mudgeonly Monday
Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021: D Is For Death, Burial, and Resurrection
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22340 – 806: Here’s the haps: (Sundays are a day off from the Challenge) Yesterday was celebrated as Easter Sunday. The circles I run in call it Resurrection Sunday but the term Easter is in the Bible. The almighty, invisible, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God created everything in…
Feelin’ A Lot Better But Not Quite Feelin’ Groovy – Throw It Back Thursday On A Mudgeonly Monday
(This post was scheduled for this Herbdate for 3/8/21 at 10:00 pm but when I went on the dashboard it just said, “Schedule Missed” and nothing else. Sorry.) Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22312 – 795: Here’s the haps: So, I am on the mend and feeling pretty not-too-awful. I was able to…
Mudgeonly Monday – Chili How Dad Likes It
Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22088-658: I have had a lot of posts lately that I really liked. I felt good about them. Then comes a time like now and I just am not feeling it. No offense to you guys, I have got one of the brightest and most intelligent audiences…
Mudgeonly Monday – Herb In Fifty Years
I’m not sure If I used this one before or not. When you get to be my age you can always cop out with the excuse that I just didn’t remember. It’s getting late and I have work tomorrow, which has not been the norm, as I have only been…